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Serving Randolph and surrounding communities since 1977

Radon Solutions

Radon Mitigation

Radon Testing & Mitigation

According to the Wisconsin Department of Health Services, 1 out of every 10 homes in Wisconsin is estimated to have high radon levels. Radon won’t cause symptoms until it’s too late.

What is Radon?

Radon is a naturally occurring gas that is created when uranium breaks down in the soil around the foundation of your home. It travels through air pockets in the soil and enters homes through porous material or cracks and openings in your foundation such as poorly sealed sump pumps and unsealed crawlspaces. Radon is an invisible and odorless gas that becomes dangerous when it is trapped indoors and that’s when exposure to you and your family increases. 

Why should I worry about Radon?

The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that 15% of lung cancers worldwide are caused by exposure to elevated indoor levels of Radon. Overall, it is the second leading cause of lung cancer responsible for about 21,000 lung cancer deaths every year in the U.S. Radon gas is the number one cause of lung cancer among non-smokers.

The good news is that there are simple steps you can take to protect your loved ones!

Use this interactive map from the Wisconsin Department of Health Services to help determine if you are at risk.

What do I do first?

You will never know if you have a radon problem without conducting a proper radon test. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the U.S. Surgeon General and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) strongly recommend that ALL homebuyers have an indoor radon test performed prior to purchase or taking occupancy and recommend having the radon levels professionally mitigated if elevated radon concentrations are found.

Testing is inexpensive and easy! PHE Contractors, Inc. can provide two solutions for radon testing: 

  1. Take-home radon test kits are available for purchase from PHE Contractors. These test kits do have an expiration date, so we do not stock them, but upon ordering we will have them the next day in most cases. The kit includes easy-to-follow instructions for collecting a sample. After enough time has elapsed, you then mail the kit to our lab partners for analysis. Test results are returned to you in a timely manner. If your test results come back indicating high levels of radon, PHE will work with you to discuss options for reducing radon to safe levels.
  2. In-home radon testing can be scheduled by calling our office. We will visit your home and conduct the test with our radon testing equipment. The equipment does need to remain untouched for at least 24 hours, which will require us to make a return visit to collect it. On the return visit, you will get immediate test results. If your test results indicate high levels of radon, you can discuss mitigation with our technician while on site. All customers who complete in-home radon testing and pursue mitigation through PHE Contractors receive $50 off their mitigation installation. 

Understanding your Test Results

While no amount of radon exposure is considered safe, the EPA has set out the following guidelines:

At or Above 4.0 pCi/I: Corrective measures to reduce exposure is strongly recommended

Between 2-4 pCi/I: Consider mitigation or periodic retest as indoor Radon levels vary by season and weather conditions

Below 2 pCi/I: Consider bi-annual retest or whenever significant changes to the home structure or mechanical systems occur

Put Radon on Your Radar

PHE Contractors, Inc. recommends homeowners be proactive in testing for radon – at least every other year. Radon is a gas that travels through the soil – it is ever evolving. Consider it another item that should be regularly maintained around your home – like an annual furnace tune up or cleaning leaves out of your gutters in autumn! You’ll breathe easier knowing this is one step you’re regularly taking to keep your family healthy!

Radon Mitigation System Installation, Maintenance & Repair

My test results came back high, now what? Good news – PHE Contractors offers custom radon mitigation installation solutions by a certified radon professional. We will work with you to analyze your results and build a custom mitigation plan that best meets your needs.

Already have a radon mitigation system installed? Great! It should be properly maintained once every other year by a certified radon professional who will test and inspect it. This ensures it is still operating at the proper capacity and adequately reducing radon to safe levels. Any repairs that are needed can be easily taken care of by PHE Contractors, Inc.